The Grace Duie Priory Beast

My sister and my three friends are going back to limby hall lane at night to investigate the earlier sighting. On Chatting my friend we realised that her uncle saw the same thing as me and my sister witnessed in the road, this time it was walking along the grass verge at night.

His account is almost exactly the same as mine in exactly the same area and stretch of road.. Just opposite Grace Dieu Priory he also saw a crouched dark figure, no face could be seen as the figure was so hunched over, with an arched back, it was coming towards him almost heading for his car, this was at the junction opposite the ruins. He turned left and sped off quickly towards loughborough, Now he will never drive past the area and avoids it at all times. This is clearly that needs looking into further. And i will keep you updated on any further information that comes in.
