Return of the Kentucky Goblins:

Week in Weird Blog Reported: In June 2012, I was contacted by a frightened man who claimed that a group of small, three-toed creatures were emerging from a mine shaft and terrorising his rural Kentucky home. After sending us photographic evidence of the creatures and asking us to investigate the case, he eventually fled his property. The appearance of the creatures bore a striking resemblance to a well-documented case from 1955, during which a farmhouse in Hopkinsville, Kentucky was besieged by “goblins” from outer space in an encounter that went down as being one of the most credible, well-documented cases of extraterrestrial contact.

On the evening of Aug. 21, 1955, five adults and seven children visited the Hopkinsville, Kentucky, police station with a strange story. Among those 12 people were brothers Elmer and John Sutton, as well as O. P. Baker, who are pictured.

The group reported they had witnessed a flying saucer land near the farmhouse where they were staying the night. “Little men” surrounded the house, peering at the frightened families as they attempted to gain entry. John Sutton and Billy Ray Taylor claimed to have fought off the men with a shotgun and a pistol for several hours before leaving to notify the police. The little men, they reported, were short, monkey-like, with long arms and webbed hands with talons, large bright offset eyes and pointed ears. This sketch by Evansville Press artist Larry Hill appeared in the newspaper along with the first reports of the supposed sighting.

Hopkinsville Police investigated the incident. They found no tracks or marking outside of the home, only the evidence of gunshots fired from inside. Another officer reported seeing a meteor shower in the area but no flying saucer. Media quickly spread the strange news of the “Hopkinsville Goblins” or “little men.”  Reporting about this incident helped to popularize the term “little green men” as a generic term used for aliens although the color green was not mentioned in the group's original interviews.

Not everyone believed the attacker were spacemen. Alternative explanations from the time suggested test flight monkeys used in rocket experiments crashed in the area and, in a notable tongue-in-cheek explanation found in the Senate Republican memo published by the Senate GOP Policy Committee, that the visitors were simply Democrats turned “green with envy” at the popularity of President Dwight Eisenhower.

Local and national news coverage of the goblins caused a wave of copycat sightings in the area. A group of Evansville teenagers reported seeing 10 of the creatures in the athletic field of Lincoln High School. The creatures, they said, “lopped off into the darkness” after the teens began lobbing rocks at them.

Darwin Johnson had previously reported being grabbed and pulled underwater by a "Lizard Man" while swimming in the Ohio River near Dogtown on Aug. 14, in an attack that bore a remarkable similarity to a scene from Creature from the Black Lagoon released a year earlier. After the reports of the little men in Hopkinsville, Johnson amended him story, reporting she and other members of him group had seen a flying saucer shortly before swimming, although they had failed to mention it in their earlier interviews. She now claimed him attacker must have been the same creatures who terrorised the families in Hopkinsville, on their way to the Bluegrass State.


Hello, my name is [David]. I received your contact information through a mutual acquaintance who assures me that you are well equipped to investigate peculiar problems. Furthermore, I believe you may have interest in these events beyond any compensation that I am prepared to deliver in order to have these issues sorted.

For the past 6 months I have been living in a rural home located on the border of West Virginia and Kentucky where my family is nightly assaulted by creatures that I have come to believe are of an extraterrestrial origin. These beings appear to be the size and stature of a small child, devoid of any facial features save for large, oily eyes and lipless mouths. They frighten my children by peering through their bedroom windows, chirping at one another. They actively attempt to enter my home in the middle of the night. Last month they took my dog. The police refuse to provide any further assistance, attributing the problems to wild animals and forwarding my complaints to the state game commission.

I believe they are coming from an abandoned mine located on the edge of my property. Though I’m armed, I’m afraid that I’m far too frightened to enter the mine by my lonesome, and cannot convince any sympathetic friends to accompany me, though I cannot blame them. I am convinced that the only answer is to collapse the mine.

I believe this is where we can be mutually beneficial to one another. If you are prepared to assist me in this matter, I can offer you permission to record and document these events under the condition of anonymity. I can guarantee you evidence of these creatures which I assure you are not “wild animals”.


Thank you for the prompt response. I do not blame you for being sceptical of my story. I appreciate you keeping an open mind about my situation and I am more than happy to provide you with as much information as I am able.

I was given your contact information through a man by the name of Terry Wriste [Editors Note: I’ve left this name untouched due to it’s relevance and the fact that I don’t believe it to be a real person – we’ll come back to this]. When these disturbances first began occurring, I was only inclined to confide in a personal friend who I knew had fringe interests. He offered to share my concerns with a man that had dealt with somewhat similar experiences in previous years. I accepted his offer. Within a week I was informed that this gentleman had long since retired from pursuits of this kind but was willing to provide me with contacts who may be willing to help. This is how I came to contact you. I do not have any answer to “why” other than a referral and recommendation from a gentleman I do not know personally. I was under the impression that you would answer that question.

I am located in Pike County, just outside the town of Hellier, Kentucky. Hellier is located roughly 30 to 60 minutes from the borders of Virginia and West Virginia respectively. Most of Pike County is made up of small towns and rural communities; it is not uncommon to go days without seeing my closest neighbours. I moved to this area for the peace and quiet. I have received neither.
I have lived in this area for just under seven months and in that time the majority of the harassment has occurred within the past three. I did not become aware of any strangeness until early December, although that is only when I began to keep a record of these events. At first it was merely strange tracks in the snow around my home. I had initially imagined that they were from some kind of animal, though it closely resembled a human footprint minus the heel. At that time I was under the impression that it was simply a single creature. It wasn’t until the weeks later that I began to suspect that I was dealing with a number of what I thought were individuals “hazing” me upon my arrival to the area.

At this point I was incapable of keeping my dog outdoors overnight. Any attempt to leave her leashed would result in her barking herself hoarse until she was allowed back indoors. In the weeks leading up to this particular evening I had awoken to find my shed doors open on several occasions, many of my children’s toys missing or moved, and my yard in general disarray. I had already given a report to the police, who were making it increasingly clear that they were not interested in my case barring psychical harm or large scale theft.

The second week of January I am having breakfast with my family when my five year old daughter begins talking about the “kids without hair”. When my wife inquired about these kids, she informed us that she had spent the previous night watching them play in the yard. As you can imagine, this was of some concern. I asked my daughter what these kids looked like, she told me that they “were bald like grandpa and weren’t wearing any clothes”. The very same day I found the wreath that hangs inside our rear porch stuffed into our mailbox. I purchased and installed motion activated floodlights the following day and for a time, the problems ceased. It wasn’t until the end of February that our daughter informed us that the “bald kids” had returned.

I was awoken to the sound to my daughter screaming and rushed to her bedroom only to meet her halfway down the hall. When my wife and I were finally able to calm her down enough to speak, she told us that the kids were trying to peer into her window but they couldn’t reach, and instead, had taken to tapping on it. She hasn’t slept in her own bedroom since. It was that morning that I phoned the police for the second the time, and they responded by finally sending a trooper to our residence. I informed him of the regular mischief, how I was now unable to let my dog outdoors after dusk, and of the “bald kids”. When we found the ground disturbed just under my daughter’s bedroom window the officer informed me, very matter-of-factly, that we were dealing with an animal and I would be better off contacting the game commission than waste their resources any further.

Almost every day for the following week, I would find some evidence that something or someone had been on my property the previous night. Smudges on the windows were not uncommon, stones from the walkway dragged to the other side of the lawn, and I had found tears in the screen door. On Wednesday the 7th of March I finally witnessed the “kids without hair” for myself.

The dog woke me up around 1:30 AM, scratching at the back door and whimpering to be let out. I noticed that the motion floodlight was on, and went to the kitchen window to check that the shed doors were still closed when I realised that I could see the shadow of an individual cast across my lawn. From the angle I was positioned at the window I could not actually see the source of the shadow or the floodlights. The dog was pacing circles around the back door and I could hear someone rifling through a box on the porch. Filled with more anger than common sense, the only reaction I could muster was to bang loudly on the window and yell, at which point I heard the screen door on the porch swing open and slam against the house. I heard what I can only describe as “chirping” at this point. It sounded much like a skunk, if more guttural. I then realised that there were more than two people on my property, and the shadow, which had been reacting as if it didn’t know which way to run, was quickly joined by another. For a moment I watched as the shadows chirped at one another when I noticed a figure out of the corner of my eye.

Standing in the flower bed just to the bottom left of my window was a small, humanoid figure, with sickly pale skin, completely hairless, standing roughly 4′. It was looking in the direction of the shadows, and had clearly come from around the left side of the house opposite the porch and had not noticed me as far as I could tell. It’s face was devoid of features, save for large round eyes, very reminiscent in shape and colour of a bird’s eye. It had no nose to speak of, and only a small slit for a mouth. It didn’t appear to move it’s mouth as it chirped, sounding more as if the noises originated from it’s throat. It was most certainly not a “wild animal” and even more certainly not a child. I was too terrified to move, and watched as the creature hopped to the others, and together they scrambled into the woods on the right side of my property. It was clear that there were at least five in the group.

I have not mentioned this particular incident to my wife, and the only other person who I’ve spoken to about these creatures are yourself and the close friend who introduced me to our mutual friend Mr. Wriste. I would prefer to keep things that way, and to approach this problem as discreetly as possible. Since that evening, my dog has gone missing from the porch, yet to return, and I can only imagine that his disappearance has to do with these creatures. I’ve gone looking for him during daylight hours, only to find many of my missing belongings scattered at the entrance to an abandoned mine shaft at the far edge of my property. I don’t dare go inside.

My friend has convinced me that my experience is similar to that of other “visitation” experiences, providing me with material and references that back up his claims. I am aware of the outlandish nature of what I have told you, but I am afraid that I have no other explanation for what I have seen, at least at this time. I can see no other option than to seal the entrance to the mine. I cannot achieve this on my own, and I am too frightened to try. I don’t dare share this information with others for fear of ruining my career and the reputation of my family. I am prepared to compensate your travel expenses and offer you unrestricted access with whatever recording equipment that you desire but only on the condition of complete anonymity. Beyond that, I have no other desire than to be rid of this problem.
