
Kliihope/Weardale sighting 2011

The Addlestone footsteps

Black Weir Pond epping

chalk pit howls east sussex

New forest Growls and a figure sighting

The Brocton Wolf? 2013

Castle Ring howls 2013

Lix Toll strange event 2011

Bourne Woods lincs howls and growls

Fear Laith of the cairngorns

loch etive thumps and knocks 2000

The Hairy man of Cooling Kent sighting 2011

edinburgh by pass dec 2014 apeman sighting

medway footprints 2010

upright creature gentle shaw staffs 2013

The Isle of Grain sasquatch creature 2013

south tipperary dark hairy thing 2009

wanstead/epping forest bigfoot

Epping forest strange animal attack and howls 2014