I had a night on Ricketts mere, now i fish a lot of nights on my own, i am not afraid of the dark, and spend most of my life out and about. Nights in woods, camping, rabbit shooting on foot after dark etc, so to be alone in the dark is not a problem, i actually feel more scared walking down my local high st at night. Anyway...
So i have done the night, no problems at all, i had not had any takes that night and was in the bag all night, when (now im not sure if i was awake, or dreaming at this point) i heard something walking around in the grass behind my bivvy. So i layed still, just peeping out of my bag, and straining to hear. It was just before dawn, about 5 in the morning, when i swear that a dark shape of a person walked right past the front of my oval brolly, i sat up quick smart, grabbed the hammer i keep under the bedchair and jumped out shouting ready to have a small row with whoever was snooping around my rod's. I knew nobody else was on the lake, and there are no houses or reason for anyone to be there except to fish. So to my amazement on belting the torch into the swim and me shouting...nothing...just my rods and swingers on the floor where i left them...i even got the 2m candle light out and swept the meadow i was fishing from, nothing....now that scared the sh*t out of me....maybe it does not sound that bad...but it certainly made me think about doing nights on my own again. whooha, getting chills thinking about it....
So i have done the night, no problems at all, i had not had any takes that night and was in the bag all night, when (now im not sure if i was awake, or dreaming at this point) i heard something walking around in the grass behind my bivvy. So i layed still, just peeping out of my bag, and straining to hear. It was just before dawn, about 5 in the morning, when i swear that a dark shape of a person walked right past the front of my oval brolly, i sat up quick smart, grabbed the hammer i keep under the bedchair and jumped out shouting ready to have a small row with whoever was snooping around my rod's. I knew nobody else was on the lake, and there are no houses or reason for anyone to be there except to fish. So to my amazement on belting the torch into the swim and me shouting...nothing...just my rods and swingers on the floor where i left them...i even got the 2m candle light out and swept the meadow i was fishing from, nothing....now that scared the sh*t out of me....maybe it does not sound that bad...but it certainly made me think about doing nights on my own again. whooha, getting chills thinking about it....
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