Thank you to Theo Paijmans for the information included here. On a chilly December night in 1994 25-year-old Rienk de Jong and his uncle and aunt were driving in his car through the Belgian quarter in his hometown Jubbega in Friesland. It was a deserted stretch of road, with a ditch and meadows, a single line of trees and the occasional farmhouse. It was dark because street lighting was sparse. Suddenly a giant figure burst from out of nowhere and right towards his car.
The car was slowly pressed to the ground as if something huge and heavy had climbed on the back of the car. De Jong pressed the gas pedal, but the car crawled only slowly ahead. Eventually he got rid of the enormous, monstrous thing. In utter panic De Jong went straight to the police where he blurted out his story. The police took him seriously and immediately went to the spot to investigate, but they found no trace of the mysterious and frightening creature.
Sources: ‘Jubbegaster Ziet reus Van Drie Meter’, Leeuwarder Courant, 28 December 1994; ‘Raadsels in Jubbega rond de Reus van Rink’, Leeuwarder Courant, 29 December 1994; ‘Reus van Jubbega zorgt voor Consternatie. Ik Dacht Dat Die Reuzen daar Stonden te Liften’, Heerenveense Courant, 4 January 1995; ‘De Reus Blijft een Mysterie’, Leeuwarder Courant, 2 January 2007; Theo Paijmans, ‘Netherlands’ Werewolves’, Brad Steiger, The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia Of Shape-Shifting Beings, second edition, Visible Ink, 2012, pages 200-207.
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