Update on the Todmorden Calf, Animal Mutilation Case. Sept 2020

As many of you know earlier this year a strange Calf with unusual injuries was spotted by Albert Tyas in the Gaddingsdam Area of Todmorden. Lee Nicholson has been the lead investigator on the case and has been working closely with myself and Paul Sinclair.

The Calf was found close to Gaddings dam in a field of sheep in June of this year. Lee did a follow up investigation 14 days later and tested the area below and around the calf and supplied BBR with a number of images.

This weekend 13/9/20 Lee went up to Gaddings Dam this weekend to check on the Calf and try to locate a possible owner, there are cattle on the common now and we think it is possibly the same herd that the calf would have belonged too. There were a number of Calf roughly the same age and breed as the one found in June.

Lee managed to find the herd number, so we are applying to the local BCSM office in the hopes of finding the farmers details. The calf is still up there in situ and Lee took took this image of the skull, as it has two strange marks on it? I have to agree with Lee and find the marks very interesting.

Does anybody recognise these marks or do you have a theory on what they are or how they were made?

Todmorden has a history of strange Animal mutilation cases, Alien Abductions, UFO reports and all manner of Unexplained Events. 

Deb Hatswell 16/9/2020 
