A Snarling, Growling Thing Inside the house and Unseen Stalkers. Prt 1

What do you think would be the most horrorfying, seeing what's stalking you, or just hearing it. It's one thing to see what predator is after you, whether that be a beast or a being of some kind, but to be herded by something unseen, that walks as you walk and stops when you stop, or shadows you until you leave the wood is something else indeed. You hear ‘It's’ growls, snarls and footfalls. You hear the brush move as it approaches and sometimes retreats, only to approach again. What does that feel like? And what if you are at home tucked up in bed or on the sofa relaxing and you hear a growl from close to the window or even worse, inside the very room you are in. What would you do?

Tonight's personal encounters include people who have been through these very situations and made it out the other side. At home we had something my children called 'the goblin' every now and again from just one corner of the house we would hear a snarling growl. It was tricky, whatever it was, it would only do it to people who were alone, never when we were together as a group. That corner was also never warm, and no amount of sage shifted it. I never found out what or why, as I moved several years ago. And yes the growled followed us here. Its still the same low throaty growl, that comes when you are at your most relaxed and distracted. I have also heard the same kind of snarling growl in the woodlands. And I am certain there will be other people out there who will identify with these accounts.

A Strange Growling Creature that Remains Unseen. Yeadon - I just want to get in touch and let you know of a really intriguing incident my Mum told me about when I recently visited her. My mum lives near Leeds in Yeadon and where she lives is next to a number of fields and a large wood which I think ties in well with what she told me. She explained one night (it was after 1 am) she got up from bed and went to the toilet and whilst she was in there, she suddenly heard a really deep and menacing growl coming from outside the house. She also heard the sounds of something walking up her driveway.

My Mum said she has never heard anything like this before and she said it couldn't have been any known creature that lives naturally in the UK countryside as the growl was far too deep and menacing. It stood out as strange and she could not put a name to the animal that made the growl. Needless to say that this scared the living daylights out of her and put her on edge for the rest of the night Luckily, the night passed without further incident but it was a fascinating account as I have no idea what type of creature would have made a noise like this. This account happened within the last few months.

But this is where it gets kind of interesting.

When her Husband was alive (my Step Father), they were having dinner one evening and all of a sudden they heard a faint growl which sounded like it either came from within the house itself or just outside the window. Not the same menacing growl Mum heard, this was different. This growl spooked them both out and they had no idea what could have caused it. I am also very interested in the paranormal and especially everything Dogman related so I'm wondering if what my Mother heard that night was possibly a dogman? We just have no idea what else would have caused a growl like that! - Grant.

Woodbury Common, a Blood Curdling Snarling Growling Thing - I'm not sure how to describe a recent experience which happened to both my partner and I here at home. I sort of find it hard to talk about as I still cannot explain it easily or make sense of it. I don't know what it was or how we heard it but we did and that's something I'm struggling with still.

I have since being a young girl been very sensitive to spirit. That normally happens when I'm alone but this was even more terrifying as someone experienced it with me, so I couldn't explain it away as I usually would. My partner didn't see it but he heard the sound of whatever it was. It was only me that saw it and I really wish I hadn't? I was relaxing at home and playing candy crush on my phone and my partner was on his laptop. We both heard a huge THUD land outside the lounge door which is situated at the back of my house. My house is an end terrace with a huge gate/fence that surrounds my house.  My cats jump it no problem and you get used to hearing them going back and forth, but this time the noise was as if a huge obese Muscular Human had just jumped the fence and we also heard the garden gravel crunch with an almighty force directly by the open door. It was about 12.30 at night and pitch black outside. We both still describe to each other what happened that night and even now that intense feeling of frozen fear washes over you when you speak about it. 

So we are sitting there looking at each other, we have heard something huge bolt over our high fence with ease and land across the garden outside the back door. All was silent for a second, possibly a minute. I have no idea really as time just seemed to stand still. Then we heard the most terrifying sound that both of us have ever heard. We heard what I can only describe as blood curling, snarling, growling that was so loud it overpowered the volume of  the television we had on. It was almost like you could hear it salivating out there. Eventually we snapped out of fear and my partner said to me “quick shut the door and lock it”  as he thought it was maybe a rabid Dog or Fox. Without even thinking it really should be him to shut the door, I just jumped up and bloody did it without realising !! 

I again have no concept of time but we had a spun out discussion which resulted in the decision to try not to talk about the incident for a moment and catch our breaths. So with the door firmly shut I went upstairs to my toilet which is situated on the other side of my house from the 8ft fence. I didn't even manage to sit myself on the toilet when the overwhelming snarl/growl came with very little force in the breath, as if ‘It’ was being quiet or out of breath maybe. I'm sorry I still have no accurate sound that's similar to what I heard that night, that would make it easy to explain what it sounded like. I screamed for my partner whilst trying to pull my trousers up. Before he reached the toilet I curiously looked out the bathroom window at the side of my house to have a peek at what was out there, I wish I never had.

This is the part I will never accurately be able to describe as my partner reached me, all we heard were loud screams and shouting from the garden opposite four doors down? It must've jump[ed their fence which is a much higher fence than mine as it had bloody vanished and so had the noise. I couldn't see it anywhere out there.  This was in Exmouth on the Exe Estuary. Now there were a few reports of a Wild Cat’s spotted in Exmouth. Only a year before I was in my friend's car crossing the woody part of Exmouth and we saw a huge Panther. All four of us saw it, we swerved the car to avoid hitting it and that was bad enough. This was no Cat and more of a Mystery honestly as I did not see the front of it, I was only one who saw it, but I did not see its face thank god. I saw it when I looked out of the half open bathroom window, It was down on the floor at the side of the car on my driveway, It just looked like a frantic Creature, its hair looked quite long as I could see the squish of black/silver colours. When my partner came into the bathroom, it just sort of ran/galloped in neither a Feline or Canine sort of way, it had a movement all of its own. I was mesmerised trying to work out what the hell it was. I only saw it for a second. I'm sorry I still do not know what I saw as I only saw it ‘spinning’ frantically by the car but then it sorta galloped away. I think that's what scared me the most?. Because I heard the screams and shouting as my partner looked out to see it, but by the time he did it had  jumped ? I sort of feel like I've gotten a weight off my mind by sharing it with you and getting it out of my head.

The Invisible Ones. One Man's Experience With an Unseen Predator. 1997 - I was chatting with Nik Hayes who has a wonderful website Quest for the invisibles. Nik had a very strange experience with something he could hear but could not see, that was shadowing him as he walked alone at night in the Lye Valley, Oxfordshire. Here is Nik’s account in his own words.

Nik:I was living in the area at the time, and myself and my then partner would often visit the woods at night, We used to go down there all the time, late at night together and we often saw orbs of light moving above the river, as well as through the wooded area, although we never experienced anything as scary as my encounter that evening when I was walking down to Cowley for band practise. It was in 1997 and I am still trying to come to terms with it to this day.

Back then I was running a bit late for a band practise at my mates house down in Cowley (Oxford) The journey involved getting a bus down to the bottom of Cowley Road, then walking quite a distance to his house, (roughly a forty minute journey) I would sometimes walk down the nature reserve in the Lye Valley, which was a nice walk during the daytime, and I could get to my mates house in about twenty five minutes. It cut the time in half and I saved on the bus fare and got a walk in. The walk this night was along a small track that went downhill quite gradually, and eventually a steep embankment appears on both sides of you, as you walk deeper into the valley. The banks going up each side were quite steep and full of trees and brush. This particular night it was already getting dark, but I decided to take the short cut anyway, as the actual Lye Valley walk is only 15 or 20 minutes long, and then you can get up onto the golf course and head down to Marsh Road where my mate lived at the time.

I was about ten minutes into the walk and it was quite dark, and I couldn’t see very much as the trees were on either side of me at this point and blocking out what little light there was left in the twilight sky. The path is not lit with lights and I suddenly became aware of something off to my left, about twenty feet away from me, walking parallel with me perhaps half way up the embankment hidden amongst the trees. I instantly got that fear and a feeling of complete dread.

I suddenly stopped and whatever it was did an extra crunch as it took another step, and then it too was still. I started walking faster and so did the “thing” that was stalking me. So I stopped suddenly again hoping to trick it and again this “thing” did a few more steps giving it's position away, as I think it didn’t realise I had stopped, as I stopped so suddenly trying to catch it out. I picked up the pace and stopped one more time all of a sudden, and this thing did another few steps, and then it Snarled. It reminded me of a program I saw on the Beast of Bray Road, and other Wolf/Dog-like creatures that people had come into contact with in the USA, where they recreated a snarling sound to go with the re-enactment of the peoples experiences. It sounded just like that recreated sound.

It made the hair stand up on my neck and I got an instant fight or flight feeling, as I could tell it was slightly in front of me, and the track it was on met the track I was on just around the corner, in the direction I was heading where the walk met the golf course. I could not avoid passit it and It was a really out of the way area, no-one was around and I knew that something bad would probably happen if I carried on walking towards the golf course.

I turned around, and ran as fast as I could back to Wood Farm, and the safety of the built up area. I didn’t see the thing stalking me as it was dark, but even when a few of the distant street lights above the valley lit up some of trees I couldn’t see anything either but it definitely sounded bipedal, and the growl it made when it realised I had worked out it was stalking me, was blood curdling, and freaked me out big time, more than anything I have ever experienced. I haven’t dared go back there since, and that was about fifteen years ago or more. I told a few close mates, but haven’t told anyone else. The whole experience really scared me, and to be quite honest, I wouldn’t dare go down there at night by myself at all. Just thinking of it makes me a bit “on edge” and my body reacts to the fear of that night, even after all these years. It would be great to hear of someone else who had a similar incident down there at the Lye Valley.
