A Snarling, Growling Thing Inside the house and Unseen Stalkers. Prt 3

 Wychling Woods Whistles 2012 - Report by Paranormal Researchers: Wychling woods (Kent) is known for its weirdness, strange things happen here, every time we have been in the woods, odd things have happened either to the guests one by one, or to the whole group en mass. We may have been tempting fate to be here on Friday 13th, but that only counts if you are superstitious! We aren’t.

Our first session was in a familiar part of the woods, this area has in the past been very productive and many paranormal occurrences have taken place. This evening was no different. We started by just calling out for spirit to step forward and whilst this was going on one guest (who has been on various ghost hunts many times) jumped and exclaimed that he had just heard a footstep beside him, no-one else heard it. As we continued strange whistles were heard, sometimes in response to our whistles. Then out of the blue we all heard footsteps approaching from deeper in the woods, which given the nature of these woods (it is very thick with trees) seemed very unlikely especially since we saw no torch light and the sound of these footsteps only lasted for about 30 seconds. From this point on many of the guests were feeling frightened and on edge and the smallest amount of noise made them all jumpy. So we left.

Other paranormal teams who have visited have also reported feeling watched, heard running footsteps and seen quick moving shadows within the trees. One group stated on many occasions when they use a drum, they sense ‘others’ crawling through the brush to listen to the drumming. Twigs and branches can be heard snapping and follow you around the area.

Loch Awe Feeling Of Being Watched - I was camping on the southern end of Loch Awe a few years ago, it wasn't by choice, we had been forced there by the wind, rain and bad weather, and campsites were scarce, and to be honest we were exhausted to the point where I was worried about my girlfriend, she was cold and slurring her speech etc. I wanted to get her warmed up as quickly as I could, After a lot of looking around we settled for a small clearing in amongst some tree's a few meters from the shore. There was enough room for a fire and a tarp plus a tent. I put up the tent, stuffed her in her sleeping bag and went off to get firewood to make some hot food and tea.

I had a strange feeling of vulnerability while I was collecting wood and cutting it. I kept stopping what I was doing and looking around me, I had a feeling that somebody was about to walk up on me. I was not scared but I just felt that something was about to happen. I was kind of expecting a game keeper or something to come up and talk to me.  Or another person out hiking. Anyway, it was cold and wet and the going was slow, eventually my girlfriend came out to find me and sit with me while I was splitting the wood, since she admitted she felt uneasy on her own back at the tent. I didn't tell her about feeling watched as I didn't want to spook her more.

We went back together and resumed our camp routine and set up for an early night. I got the fire going, fed us both and made hot drinks and we settled down to try and get some sleep. That night I had to get up in the middle of the night to take care of some business, I walked across the clearing and went behind a holly bush and there I got the most intense feeling of danger I have ever felt. It was like I had walked somewhere I should not have gone, that night it was very dark and I accept that the dark has an affect on our brains. I felt an immediate and urgent need to get away from that spot right away. So I cut short the business I was taking care of and pretty quickly walked back to the tent where I stopped and I just sat outside for a while to see what I could see and hear. Nothing much happened that night,  and it was a good little camp, and free, so for the next few nights we stayed in the same spot.  It was ok within the camp area but I got the same feeling of being observed whenever I went near that holly bush.

It was not until we left that site that I realised the effect it had on both of our moods. Within minutes of leaving we both felt uplifted and happy and realised that there had been something wrong back there. The storey does not really translate that well into text I know but I'm hoping that it might trigger other people's memories and we might get some more stories of the scary and unexplainable things that happen up there at the Loch.

What a Horrible Night. June 2020 - A gentleman shared a post in his Local Hidden Sussex and Suffolk Facebook Group. He reported a strange night at the old tree in Clapham woods. He stated he felt uneasy and watched throughout and had a strange series of events happen.

Whilst out at Clapham he heard knocking noises coming from the trees, heavy footsteps moving around him and he felt watched. Also the temperature seemed to rise and it got very quiet at certain points of the night. In his own words he stated: I am not a believer in the supernatural but I have never experienced a night like this. There was a bizarre energy in the air, the horses were acting up and spooked.  There were massive changes in temp and dozens of noises including some incredibly huge bangs.

A BBR member who lives very close to the area has said there is often drumming heard around the tree and it is said to be a local place for Satan worshippers. Also reported are Evil Entities, UFO's, Branches that are bent into Satanic Shapes, Disappearances and Crazy Behaviour of Dogs

Newmilns Unseen Predator in the Woods -  Hi my name is Martyn and I experienced something really weird when I was a kid and I wanted to report it and to see if anyone else has ever experienced the same thing.  My family are a traveller family and in my younger days we would move from area to area as we needed too.  At one point we moved from a farm in Blackrod which is near to Chorley in Lancashire, we lodged on that farm for a long time while we stayed in one of the caravans but there came a time when the farmer decided to sell up and move and when he did buy his new farm in Scotland we decided to move with him.

It was a long move as we had to travel out of England and into Scotland and that seemed a really long way to travel to a kid my age. The area we moved to was called  Newmilns and it was in Kilmarnock. It was very remote and we were situated about 10 miles from the nearest town, sometimes in winter we had to literally use a tractor to get food from the nearest village and back because the snow was that deep .

The farm was absolutely huge from my recollection. Around 2000 acres surrounded by dense forests and not far from us were the moors, rivers and streams and no people around except for us . As a 10yr old lad my Dad used to send me out hunting with a 22 rifle to catch and kill rabbits, pheasant and small birds for the ferrets we kept. And also collecting wood for the log burners in the caravans was another of my responsibilities around the place, so I was often out on my own in the woods and fields.

I have heard some real freaky stuff out in those woods and I have seen a lot of dead animal carcasses that looked out of place even to me being used to the countryside and the way animals take and kill prey, I didn't recognise the "animal" responsible for those kills.  When I think back and with what I know now I can say there was a lot of UFO activity in that area,  we all saw strange lights in the sky at night all the time, so often as a young child it became the norm. As I said I was only young and only now as i'm older and have access to the internet that I started to put 2 and 2 together so to speak.

What sticks out the most in my memory is one day in particular, I was out hunting as usual about a mile away from where we were camped, I was moving quietly keeping my eyes open and trying not to disturb any birds until I wanted to.  And all of a sudden out of nowhere I had an overwhelming sense that someone or something was watching me. I realised everything around me went dead quiet, no bird song, no wind in the trees, nothing! Just dead silence that was very unnerving. I was overwhelmed by fear and looking all around me trying to make out someone hiding in the shrub and movement of sound that would give them away.  It wasn't the middle of the night and dark, it was day time and the light shimmering through trees can play tricks on the human mind.  As I was looking I thought I saw something moving in there but it’s so dense in those pine trees and I just realised "they" could be anywhere so I set off running.

Whatever was in there was following me out of the woods crashing and banging behind me but every time I looked back I could not see it. I ran really fast, as a kid I was quite proud of the fact nobody could catch me at running back then, but whatever it was, it was keeping up with me and I think catching up to me also. I heard branches and twigs snapping behind me but at that point I stopped looking back because I knew "it" was hot on my heels .

I hear of all these missing 411 cases now and all that runs through my mind is "I could have been on that list but I out ran it" - MF

Helmshore Heavy Walker, Homeless Man Disturbed In The Night, Autumn 2016 - Witness Report: Alan

“There comes a time for all of us, when life seems to fight you and your luck turns bad, and it can even sometimes make you homeless and this account comes from a witness called Alan and at the time of his experience he had nowhere to stay, with his two Dogs and a tent he made home here for the time being in the hope of finding work and setting down some roots.

He had set up his tent and camp as best he could within the wood and had settled in, and for a few nights everything was fine, he was just off the river, and he didn't see anybody and figured he would be ok here until the weather turned really bad. It wasn't such a bad place to be after all, until that all changed. He did have work at a local market and just needed time to get himself together. He had left the army and did not want to be in the homeless hostels that town had to offer.

Although he never saw what bothered him night after night, and what made him feel watched day after day, what made the knocks on trees and snapped branches and launched them in to his camp area, he was never brave enough to go and look, for as he described it, “it seemed to be walking in such a way as to make me aware it was there, loud thumping feet in the leaves, rustling that was louder than any small animal could make, things moved when I was away from the camp and it was clear “something” had been through his things, nothing was missing and a few times I could feel eyes on me as I zipped up for the night, but around 1am something would come into camp approaching from the south east, whatever was moving around was making walking noises like it was on two feet not walking or scurrying like an animal would, and although described with the similar bulkiness of a Cow, this thing was much heavier and sounded much larger but never came within eyesight. Whatever it was stayed within the trees. His two Dogs never made a sound when “it” was around and as they were Staffordshire Bull Terriers they were more than capable of seeing to themselves, but they didn't want to leave the tent until Alan did each morning. After too many nights like this over about a month or so, he used the excuse of Winter to head off into Rossendale and looked for shelter there.

When he was interviewed by a family member of mine one sunday morning Alan came looking for me but sadly I couldn't travel to see him so my Father went instead and took the account for me. My father who was no fool and said Alan came across as honest and puzzled and a little scared by the experience, he had not heard of the “British bigfoot or any Cryptid until he was able to look online and search for similar encounters. Alan said he was ex army and not easily spooked but that he just had something happen that he could not explain. “If I thought it was a person I would have just moved them on, but what I heard was no person. His closing reply was "there is something huge moving around in the trees up there, I'm just glad I didn't see it".

Starcross Babacombe, Screeches, Wood Cracks and Rocks Thrown -I was out last Summer and we had a strange experience on our walk from Starcross to Babbacombe, on the 4th August 2019. I think we were near Whitesands Bay just before going into the woods and we sat just outside of the trees on a bench having a rest. We were following the South West Coastal Path. It was a lovely day. You could hear the Birds, Seagulls and a Buzzard and the regular coastal noises, then I heard a quite deep 'screech' that came from a way off behind us in the woods. I could not identify what it was making the 'screeching' sound, it was nothing like I’d heard before, I'm used to the normal animal noises like Foxes, Badgers, Birds etc. I just ignored it as I don’t know what every animal sounds like of course.

I’m not 100% sure, but after some searching on google maps I think it might have been Watcombe Woods? We carried on and walked into the woods and within ten minutes or so I heard a loud crack, like a quite sizable branch had been broken, definitely not a twig, we both heard this large crack. The wood was pretty quiet, it was just the rustle of leaves and twigs crunching as we walked. We’d probably gone another five or ten minutes, when I heard a large object hit the ground just behind me, I didn’t see it, but from the sound, it must have been a tennis ball sized rock. By now I was scanning the thick wood to our right as this was where the crack and the rock had come from.

My wife hadn’t told me at this time but she said afterwards that she saw a stick fly past us at about this point too. I didn’t see this as I was watching the woods with a feeling that we may not be alone. We sat at another bench for a drink of water. While we were there something hit the branches above us and a leaf floated down right in front of us. I think we joked about the Green Man throwing things at us and we carried on and the noises faded.

A Hand Pushed Under my Tent? - Deb I only contacted you after much toing and froing as I am a wild camper and quite well known in some circles,they didn't call it ‘wild’ camping back when I started as a boy, it was just a night off the farm in those days, my Family ran a beef and dairy farm and it was long hours for not much pay. We always had food and plenty to barter with but ready cash was always in short supply. In the countryside people hunt their food still and back then it was more prevalent, pigeon, duck, rabbit and hare were a welcome catch. Now it's frowned upon by some, but I was brought up alongside nature and one day I will return to it. It's all just a circle. I would go off with my Brothers or my Friends from around the area, we would head up on the Peaks and Down around the Reservoir where there was always animal sign and the stream was well stocked so we never went hungry. Some of the lads tailed off and stopped coming altogether, some I still see for the odd pint now and then, but sleeping wild never left me, it's my one place I feel like ‘me’ It frees me and I often use it as food for the soul I'm known as a primitive tool maker and I usually show people how to camp in a primitive way without the use of modern tools, but sometimes even I like a few of home comforts.

 In 2014 I was suffering with a chest infection and had been cooped up at home for weeks. It was Autumn but the weather was warm enough to get in one more camp before Winter and I could test and clean out my camping supplies and pack away my light gear till the warmer months next year, the fresh air would do my chest the world of good. So I set off for one of my more sedentary spots, it's set within an orchard not too far from the farm and with easy parking and access from the road. The farmer is a decent guy and always has a wander over and a chin wag when I pop in. We went to school together and as most family’s here will attest we all know each other by one relative or another. I'm not going to tell you the area as I don't want it spoiled in any way and after what happened I'm not too sure people should be heading that way either. 

I set up my gear and with a cold this bad I had a full kit, sleeping back, tarp and tent. I got the fire going and a brew on and the farmer wandered over for a chat. He asked me if I had seen any strange cars or vehicles on my way in. It was around 7am and I had arrived about 6.15 am and I told him “No” I had not passed any people or vehicles on the way in. He went on to explain that for a few weeks now a number of chickens, eggs and feed had been taken and he thought it was some wandering tramp or one of the farm hands who were brought in by picking teams who had felt the need to steal from him, if not he would suggest a dog or cat of some kind but his barley and wheat bins had been raided which would be very hard on your average dog or cat, and with so many protein sources available why would they take feed? I told him I would be there for about 30 hrs or so as I had a job to do on the following Wednesday, so I would keep an eye out tonight, as my tent was tucked under the trees and with the grass so high they may not see me hidden away in there. I said if I heard anything I would start blowing my whistle loudly and alert him. We agreed on a plan and left it at that. 

I had a bobbin rod with me so the day was spent foraging and catching dinner and sorting out the evening meal, the odd snooze and a wander along the river there. It was a good day and everything I needed. I had a small rocket stove with me and I made a cup of tea as dusk arrived. It wasn't too cold either and I went to bed with a good sleepy head on me, all thought of this morning agreement completely forgotten. I must have nodded off quick as I awoke with a start, I had no idea of the time, but it was much darker outside but the moon was out so I could see shadows of the trees and bushes. I listened, trying to work out what had woken me, but I heard nothing, I realised I needed to pee, and that was what had woken me, I unzipped tent and fly and nipped over to the nearest apple tree. I had my head torch on my head and I switched it on without thinking, as I was worried about peeing on my boots, I looked down at my aim when this feeling hit me all at once. Utter dread, I felt like I was suddenly in the middle of a war and I could not see any of the enemy, I knew they were there watching and they could see my every move but I could not see them. Hundreds of eyes watching me from within the trees, I looked up quickly and saw eyeshine, this eyeshine dropped to the floor and vanished. It must have dropped to 'Its' belly in a mili second.

I was back in that tent like lightening and was stuck between staying and packing up when I remembered the farmer and that I was supposed to be acting as night watchman not quivering in my sleeping bag. I lay there and caught my breath, I slowed my breathing right down and made the decision to listen. If I heard anything I would blow the whistle loud, but nothing happened, I lay there for what felt like an eternity in silence, I slowly slid my hand into my kit bag and got a hold of the whistle, just in case. As the minutes ticked by I started to feel stupid, I had heard the odd rustle of grass but that could be any animal or bird known to man. I didn't hear anything else for a long time so I decided to try and sleep. As I was drifting back off, suddenly from nowhere that feeling was back, I felt frozen and scared out of my wits. I then felt movement to the side of my hip and to my horror I felt something forcibly pushed under the tarp under my tent and under me. It felt like a huge arm that was thickly muscled and hard undereath me and I screamed like a banshee. 

The arm shot from under me and I kept screaming until the farmer nearly caused his own death by opening my tent. I screamed in his face like a man possessed. When he calmed me down and I explained what had happened I don't think he believed me, I saw his quick glance at the miniature rum bottle beside me, but I had filled it with linctus for my chest and now it looked suspiciously like Sloe Gin. I had awoken him and he had come running in the hopes of solving his chicken thief mystery. I excused myself, lit all my torches and lights and packed up as fast as I have every packed up a tent. I was camping close to Scar fell once when the bad winds happened in 87/88 and that was terrifying. But this was like nothing I could explain. How on earth can an arm that thick and full of muscle not only pick me up like I weighed nothing but also get right up to me without me hearing a thing.


I think there are hundreds of encounters just like these out there going unvoiced. Many get reported to Paranormal groups or to Camping and Hiking forums. People in Tents and Campers or Hiking who feel something unseen around them. It's something I take note of, no matter what we are dealing with, be it flesh and blood or dimensional our bodies can pick up on it, it's why we feel watched and followed, more often than not it means you are. Our animal senses picking up on a threat, a bell rings deep in our early consciousness and we become alert and aware of the hidden danger. Generations of families who tell children their experience and warn not to venture too far, but as we have heard tonight some people experience this ‘stalking’ whilst at home, and sometimes right on their back step.

Many of the witnesses  still struggle with the incident to this day. I am often asked why I don't interview and tape them while they talk about their encounter, and the simple answer is “I never ask them, I feel if that is something they would like me to do, they will approach me. I want them to relax and feel comfortable enough to speak to me. I don't want to scare anyone off” maybe that is very lax of me in some eyes. So in future I will offer that option to people. If I have shared your encounter and you would like to join me and record what happened then I am more than happy to set that up for you. But rest assured you will always be able to make a report here at BBR in the utmost confidence your identity will remain anonymous if that is your wish.

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Until Next Time.
