Stoneshed Wood Worsley Woodknocks Sept 2014

I went to our local wood to do an urban art project for uni. i had to photograph my area and collect items and make an art piece with them. so i had two cameras and my sketch book and pens. my mum is a cryptozoloogist and is doing wildman research in the area, and she came with me and helped me get in, we had to beat a path in as its really overgrown and nettles and brambles are everywhere. we walked around while mum and me collected sticks and pebbles for me to use, we got to a bit of the wood thats enclosed and quiet and there were sticks placed in the branches of the trees around us, we both laughed and right next to us was a really loud knock on a tree, we were startled but mum clapped and the knock came again just nearer but to the left. i was spooked but it went quiet again so i decided to stay and sketch.

As my mum went to look for animal tracks and glyphs, I sat and sketched and  i heard a quiet voice, a whisper and a reply whispered back, this went on for about 5/10 mins and i just tried to ignore it and sketch. but it kept happening, i was so shocked i said outloud, is it ok for us to be here, and i heard a whisper back,  but i could not make it out. When mum came back i told her what happended and as i looked over her shoulder i knew there was something to the right of her in the shrubs, i couldnt see it but i knew it was there just watching, we left slowly not scared just confused, and i felt compelled to say thank you as we left.
