The Bourne Woods Hairy Creature 2013 and other accounts from Bourne

Bourne Wood is a quiet ancient woodland with mixed conifers and semi-natural broadleaf trees. There are many strange accounts from this wood, the visitors to this wood tell of a huge wild black dog that growls these accounts go back centuries and the reports of growls and howls from the area are usually presumed to be ghostly dogs.  Yet as most researchers will know, many of  our wildman/bigfoot accounts are lost due to lack of knowledge, reports of growls, whoops and howls in the USA would be instantly reported to many of the bigfoot sites, here in the UK the knowledge base is so small, most get reported to the paranormal databases without a second thought.  When looked at from a different angle, the reports are of a dark crouching animal, that stays within the treeline and growls at anyone who gets too close. Reported in different areas of the woods are screams, howls, whoops, stones thrown, and a feeling of being watched and shadowed.  I would first like to address the Sighting of a creature within the wood and work back to the paranormal reports, you must make up your own mind as to whether this is ghostly hounds, or trickery on the part of one of our oldest inhabitants.

Lincolnshire, UK.Bourne Woods - Oct. 2013 -

I live in Spalding Lincolnshire and last week Thursday at 5:30pm I went to walk my dog at Bourne woods it was a cold night with a bit of rain just starting as I got there ( Great lol ) so not many people were around. I went up to a lake area where there was a bench to rest before I moved on, but I know Bourne has it’s fair share of big cat Sighting so I was always on the lookout because I love the cryptid side of the UK. Anyway as I walked away from the bench I could hear two rocks being smashed together in the near woods behind me, so I assumed some kids were mucking about so I thought it was time to leave. But on the way back to the car I was being followed by someone making grunts and it sounded like they were coughing and spitting so I turned around and I could not believe what I had seen. It had redish colour hair all over it and was about 4.5 foot tall, it also was crouching with a stick in its hand behind a tree so I followed it as it walked away until it just seemed to vanish like it just sunk underground. I finally left scared and a bit confused.

Bourne Woods Lincs 2003

A local paranormal investigation team recently visited the Bourne Woods to investigate this location. It was reported that two members of the team refused to enter the wood after experiencing extreme fear on the perimeter of the wood, with one breaking down into tears for no particular reason. The remaining members who did enter the wood were reported to make a quick escape though a gap in a perimeter hedge, after hearing the ghostly growling of what was thought to be the black dog. One member of the team quoted the following regarding the loud growling noise that had been heard from within the woods, "The noise was really strange. It totally freaked everyone out, as we were in a wood the natural explanation of it being an animal springs to mind, but having experienced the shire loudness of the growl, and how it seemed to surround us, I'm convinced it was not an animal. It shook everyone up, and as a result this part of the investigation came to a rather hasty end."

A very strange place indeed and although the woods is used by people today for leisure activities and many local anglers, around dusk as the dog walkers leave, the area becomes a place of mystery and growls

Deborah Hatswell 2/12/16


  1. Was at bourne woods yesterday and found strange wood structures like on the USA big foot programs is there any info on these structures

  2. I experienced something strange when I went to Bourne woods, Lincolnshire, it was around 2am & me & my friends went deep into the woods & we heard like a banshee scream, I nearly s**t myself it was terrifying.


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