The Hopwas Woods Upright Beasts, and The Esholt Woods Werewolf.

Many years ago in an old forum online I came across this report, I have tried to contact the original witness through this site which I think has now close. Over the years I would look for him on other sites hoping he had posted there too. I would love to get in touch with him if possible as there are a number of things I think I can help him with. Here is the Report: I live in England and I used to live in a town called Tamworth and there is a woodland park with lakes and lots of nature called Hopwas Woods.I was walking through the park one night and I could hear noises behind me all the way, but I didnt think anything of it other than deer, so I carried on walking and it was black in there apart from the moon light so I couldn't make anything out. I heard the noises for a second time and I turned around thinking it was kids playing a prank on me and I froze at what I saw. I swear to god I froze on the spot because there right in front of me was this big Wolf Man like thing. I didn't know what to do so I tried to run and fell over a felled tree and turned on to my back and I came face to face with this thing. It was definitely part canine as it smelled like dog and looked like dog but it walked like humans do and ive never been so scared in all my.

I heard another noise coming from the side of me and I looked across and it was a deer and this beast just took off and grabbed hold of the deer and just started to bite into it like it was a piece of steak or something and I saw this as a chance to run so I did and ran straight over the gates and onto a lit up street. I told everyone, my friends, my parents, the police and every thing and they all laughed at me, well since that night 14 people have gone missing in those woods which makes me think about how lucky I was that this deer came along. I have recently moved out of Tamworth and I now live in Leeds and the part where I live there is a woods called Esholt woods and Ive been in their a few times at night and I swear to god I have seen the same thing

Is it possible for this Werewolf like thing to follow me 180 miles and keep taunting me because now I wont go out after dark and I always make sure im in the house before it gets dark. Ive actually got to that stage now where I dont want to leave the house at all im that scared. Would somebody please enlighten me on what to do and if I can stop this werewolf thing from following me.

This is not the only report at Hopwas, there is another account that was reported in a local newspaper. Dog Walker Sees Dog Like Creature - Investigators have been alerted to an alleged sighting of a Bigfoot creature in Staffordshire woodland. Dave Youell claims he came across a half-man, half-ape type beast in Hopwas Woods, Tamworth whilst out walking his dogs. Dave said he was alerted to the creature when both his dogs started barking loudly.

For the life of me, I’m not sure what it was, but it was big and had dark, shaggy hair. It was upright, but its back was bent over. Whatever it was, it certainly made me jump. Dave Youell came across the half man, half ape hybrid as he roamed the woods at around 7pm on Sunday February 1. He was alerted by the frenzied barks of his two hounds. "I had parked my car on Hopwas Hill and was doing my normal walk with my dogs down the path, when something was startled and bounded out in front of me," he said. "Both my dogs went berserk and barked ferociously."

He added: "I'm keen to go back into the woods, but at the same time I'm apprehensive." As Dave retreated, he heard something loudly banging the tree trunks.

Dave Youell Original Report

The Hopwas Woods area has many claims of paranormal activity that has been reported over the years, from orbs and strange lights being seen in the woods, the reported spirit of an old hermit who used to live in the now demolished old wooden house, to mysterious rituals that used to take place many years ago, and even a police investigation leading to the arrest of several witches. The woods also have claims of mysterious beasts roaming the area and sightings of black panthers have often been reported.

One of our BBR members who visited the Hopwas woods found some very strange 'finds' in the woodlands. You can view those finds in these videos -

In the first report the gentleman who experienced activity after moving home is not the first witness to be followed home, or followed after a house move. I do believe that if we can get in contact with this man we may be able to help. The second area mentioned of Esholt woods has been investigated over the last two weeks by BBR members Mick McClaren, Carolann Smith and Debra Singleton, who is herself a witness to a crouching creature at the side of the road. The images of the woodlands you see now were taken on their investigation. I will be joining them at Esholt on Friday to have a look around the area and to see if we can track down the young man himself if possible. Any local knowledge on the area would be most welcome as we will be doing further visits and you are more than happy to tag along on future investigations. One strange anomaly that stood out to me when studying the route between the two report areas, which is due North Preciously? I am unsure if this has any significance or if it helps someone with their theory, but I did feel the need to add the information to the report.

If you think you can help in any way with this case or any of our other reports please get in touch by leaving a comment below or by emailing me at my usual address

If this is to do with this mans abilities, or the energy he has around him, I am unsure, but if he is out there, please ask him to get in touch so we can try and find a way to help him.
