Eyes in the Wood 2014

This is the area i had my sighting, it was a night time sighting, we had just finished a paranormal investigation at this location. We were walking back to the cars which were about 20 minutes walk away from here. we all saw a glowing pair of eyes. They were staring at us, deffo not a birds eyes, nor a fox as it was too tall. It really creeped us out at the time. Ive since been back to this place and can confirm, where it was stood, there is a huge gap between the tree line, and has no low branches or anything that a bird could of been sat on. The path this is on is a disused railway track, has a flowing river, and has a disused mine there ( it was this we were investigating ) I will be going back to document this area and do a follow up investigation.

This sighting account joins up many other on the yorkshire route, very close to the Ivy den Sighting and the Rother Valley bear also Carr Wood where mulitple figures were seen. Its is a area of ideal habitat with many woods and rivers running through the valley.
