Theres much more to this than the sticks. Bigfoot Research in the UK

It's not about the structures.

I have been receiving emails and messages and seeing videos of people who are sick to death of stick signs and structures, or are worried they posted the wrong kind of structure as they are learning what to look for, and what to discount, (its by getting it wrong and making mistakes we learn) nobody gets it right the first time out, and to be honest it can take years to hone your skills to see the subtle differences, and i think i need to take some time to explain, where the structures come into play and why we should eventually be leaving them behind unless that is where your interest lies.

The wildman/bigfoot subject as a whole is a well rounded subject with roles for all skill sets and interest, with the research comes a learning curve, and a whole host of questions.  I call these the frequently asked questions, we all have them, believers, skeptics and people on the fence.

What Are they?
Where do they live?
Do we have enough land?
Is there land close to me i could look?
What do they eat?
Where are the bones?
Is there enough water?
Do they use the tunnels?
Are caves important?
There is not enough cover or habitat?
There are no footprint finds?
There are no signs of them moving around (structures and glyphs)
Are they flesh and blood animals or humans?
Are they paranormal in nature?
Who are the witnesses?
Do they live in family groups?
Why do people see them?
Are rivers the answer?
Where can i go to look for them.
Do they move in the day?
Are they dangerous?
How many of them are they?...........

And many more, Finding the structures are just an answer to one question of “if they were around surely we would see sign? Hear growls? See them?)  A point of validation. I think what i am trying to say is, we are supposed to ask ourselves these questions, take a logical look at each one, working our way down the list, seeing if we can answer the question for ourselves, pulling them apart, trying different angles and ways to debunk or disprove or even accept, and then progress along them all until you have decided what your next step is or where to go from here, it's in going through the process of your journey/research that will answer these questions for you and by natural progression you will move on to other questions to answer, it may be that ticking yes to all of the above is enough for you, for some it may mean years of fieldwork, others will go on to do podcasts and make groups of their own across the UK. Some will research online, write books, or work quietly unseen on the sidelines, helping others in their journey. Research is a many faceted thing, bigfoot research as a whole, is a many sided coin.  You will start to develop your own theories, some will play out others will not.

For after all we are at very early days in this subject, we are still trying to work our way through it all too, no one has the answer yet, some have parts of the puzzle or theories that can explain aspects of the behaviour, but in working together, making mistakes, following loose ends and red herrings, and trying to look under every rock is what will bring the answers for the ones seeking them, that after all is how we humans learn, by trial and error.  Take your time, slow down and smell the trees around you, that's where the answer lies.

There a lot of “experts” in the subject, years of watching american video’s sadly muddied the water here in the Uk, and although advice from anywhere is welcome, remember we are not in the US and it is not a UK sasquatch we are searching for.  The British wildman stand alone as a subject, we are at the first stages of documenting the habits and habitats and we feel we may have a handle on many of the quirks and daily habits,but it is still more a matter of theory than fact.  We can go months without any sign in the area and then suddenly the next week that can all change.  Listen to the theories and see how they play out for you, and remember your the future “experts” so be careful with your advice and never state theory as fact.   This will be a personal journey for some folks, and steering them wrong wont do them any favours.  As the professionals like to say, we are on a steep learning curve, the answers will come, but not at the flick of a switch or by turning a channel, the answer is out there amongst the trees and moss of our woods, and research is always going to be open to interpretation.  And as pioneers in the subject we need to note everything, keep a journal of events, but most important tool you have in your kit, is your gut instinct, follow that and you can’t go too wrong as we say in the North.

D. L. Hatswell 24.10.17
