The Fur Coated Man. Miller County 1969
On Hwy 71 North
We have thought a long time before writing this, because I'm getting on in years and the memory might not be on target anymore. I was a married man in 1969 with two strapping sons. Lonny was almost eleven years old, Seth had twelve years on him. It was cold and rainy that day and we were returning from a family get together over the holidays.
My wife and I were in the pickup and the boys rode in the back, in the bed of the truck under tarps and in their sleeping bags, we left Ida about 8 or 9 at night and headed north on hwy 71 to Texarkana where we farm, The road isn't that wide, I suddenly see this thing a ways off in the distance in the high beams of the truck but I didn't know what I was seeing. The closer we got, I started thinking "strange" and knocked on the window to the back of the truck to get the attention of my boys. My wife was asleep, but she woke up the more noise I made and sat up. Then my wife looks at the figure I can see says “it's a man walking in a fur coat” (it was very cold that night) and in the midst of no place she thinks we should give this character a ride to town, it being Christmas & all.
It wasn't long before we got close enough to realize this was no man in a fur coat and no way were we stopping to give whatever it was a ride. As we passed it, the man or thing stopped walking and just stood there, dumb-like, staring into the headlights. It couldn't have been startled because we were coming up on it for quite a distance. It raised its arm up to shield the light from its eyes, (I had the brights on still) --the arm and hand were thick, hairy and muscular. The big underside or palm of the hand shown as a pinkish brown towards us in the light, and pretty much blocked details of the face. The boys stood up and peered over the cab of the truck & went silent; my mouth fell open. What was this? It had shaggy hair, all brown as I recollect, long over his face but seemed like a man's face what I could make out of it with hair or whiskers, shorter hair on the body. It had hair on the legs but had caked mud from the knees down like it had been wading through swamp or bayous or something.
I remember it being quite tall, huge in the chest area and as we passed this thing, it screamed, yelled like it was in pain or maybe terror? A strange noise I've never heard before. My wife and I looked at one another and the boys screamed in fear and dove under the tarp. I remember thinking the rest of the drive home 'what was that thing?' We didn't talk about it anymore that night, if we did I don't remember what was said.
During milking the next day the boys did ask what that was we saw on the road last night, but I had no answer for them and the subject was dropped for the next ten years 'till one day my brother and his crew came to visit and they mentioned the Fouke Monster. I listened and asked him to describe what he had heard about the thing and then we told them what we saw in 1969. His mouth fell open, he said, "you probably saw the Fouke Monster, you were on the right road to Fouke weren't you?"
I don't know what else to tell you, the screamer on the road is all I know besides it was hairy and good sized. We retired and live near Blanchard now, there are rumors of the monster from years ago, but nothing in the papers lately, if you hear of something recent, we would like to hear from you, I hope this helps your research.
Kindly, John Copeland
Thorney Peterborough, Hairy Man in a chestnut fur coat.
Hi, Deborah.
My sister and her friend had a strange encounter about three years back in a place near Thorney, Peterborough. An unusual location as it is, surrounded by flat farmland with little or no tree cover, but, I can give you better location details if you are interested, and want to send one of your members down to view the site?
Anyway! She and a friend were walking their dogs along a public right of way path approaching a man made pond with a few trees near it. One of the local farmers had some sheep in a fenced off run next to the pond. As they approached the pond my sisters friend said, “look! SOMEONE is chasing the sheep around, wearing a fur coat!”.
As they got closer my sister saw what she thought was someone in a chestnut coloured fur coat move into the copse of trees and take cover. They weren’t sure what was going on so carried on along the path. As they passed the trees my sister couldn’t quite make out the shape but she said it was a man sized, and she definitely saw hair. She described the hair as a chestnut colour, like a pony or horse. Not the shape just the colour. That spooked her so they turned and went back the way they came. Her friend said “someone” when she described what she saw as it was on two legs!
Sherwood Father and Son Wildman 2013
I wish to report something that I saw when I was driving close to Nottingham a few nights ago. I know you don’t have Sherwood Forest on your web page but I didn’t know who else to contact, there isn't anyone else I feel I can speak to or who would believe me. I'm a normal everyday Woman and I travel this road often and I saw something that I can not quite believe.
I was heading home to Cuckney from work and I was driving along the Worksop Road. it was still light about 4:50pm and I saw two figures stood to the side of the road as you drive through the forest, they were stood just within the trees. Im going to be honest and say their appearance really scared me. They were really tall and naked and looked like cavemen of some kind? The big one stood about 6 1/2 tall and was clearly a male. I could see his sexual parts. This male was covered in hair, which was brown in colour. It had no clothing on it at all. And they both had something strange about their appearance, they had weird shaped heads, like a deformed skull, very Apish almost like a chimp, but the face looked human too, very man like. The other smaller one was much shorter, only about three foot tall and had less hair on its body then the Adult one, the little one looked the same as the bigger one just younger, it had a deformed head for a human but still a human face within it. I dont know how to explain it to you. Its very hard to put into words.
I don’t know what I saw but it is strange. What they looked like to me like it was a Father and son or an adult and child, haired covered all over, and just standing there using the trees to hide at the side of the road. I wondered if they were just waiting to cross over? But how can these people hide when so many people visit this area? It just doesn't make sense. They looked for all the world like wild people, or how you would imagine we once looked? I am too scared to tell anyone in case they laugh. I can't bring myself to tell anyone else and my husband wasn't keen on me reporting this. But finding out there are other reports makes me feel better. I was going to the police but my husband says they will report me to the authorities under mental health act.
Hardman, Oregon, Umatilla National Forest
This sighting occurred in the West Reserve of the Blue Mountain Range. The sighting occurred just south of Hardman, Oregon on Highway 207. The city of Hardman is straight South of Hermiston, Oregon. My background is a retired Police Officer. You must understand
that at the time I did not want to be called a nut, if you get my drift. This is why I told no one about this until now. The time of day was 11:30 PM in the month of late October or early November 1980, the year Mt. St. Helens erupted in my great state of Washington.
I can remember everything about the incident. My truck was pulling the hill as best it could and at top speed was 25 to 30. The Bigfoot was a medium brown in color. I could see all of him as I was so close. His eyes were more of a glowing red color, he had shaggy long hair. He was standing on the right side of my truck about where you might see a warning sign like a curve or hill etc, this is what he was doing while I was at a distance. I really did not pay much attention until I was about fifty feet from him then he was on the yellow fog line, still on my right.
I have no idea what he was planning to do like cross the road or what until I got close enough to see what he was, then that is when it was too late. I just could not get that truck to go any faster. I was petrified. I will also add that this was not a well-traveled road at that time of night, I was just trying to get to the Tri City area for the night.
When I passed the creature I remember his head movement was like mine, he was looking at me just as much as I was looking at him. There was no movement like hostile actions or jumping, we were just looking at each other.
His eyes seemed to be a reddish color. I do not know if that was because of the lights or not, he was about eight foot or so tall maybe less maybe more — at that point I did not care! I can describe his features. His hair was long but not shaggy and it hung maybe to 3 or 4 inches in length in various places. I am sure it was a male as I saw no boobs, but at the same time I did not see a penis either, but I thought this could be under all the hair which covered his body.
I still get goose bumps just thinking of him. This is the first time I have ever said anything except to my wife. I forgot to say that I live in Moses Lake, Washington. If you need any more info let me know! Hope this helps as I said before, I still get goose bumps.
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