The Kits Coty, Giant Hairy Man Ape 1940's

I was contacted by a YouTube user who was watching a video on an account I had released in 2017 on The Medway Area of Kent, the video triggered a memory told by a Mother who had a school friend when much younger who had witnessed a similar hairy creature which she called The Giant Hairy Ape Man: I remember my Mother telling me this story about a school outing where a young girl saw something very strange that scared her, so when I heard your accounts online from other people who lived around The Medway I thought you may find Mum's story of interest.

My mother grew up on BlueBell Hill in the 1930's and 40's. She told me that her class were taken on a nature walk as a school outing to Kits Coty Barrow, an ancient Barrow in the South East of England, the day went well and they were busy collecting plants when one little girl started screaming and pointing to the woods surrounding the field.

When ask the young girl explained she had seen a Giant Ape Man in the trees and it was watching the girls from the Wood, Of-course the teachers got the girls together and walked them back to school promptly. The girl who had seen the creature was very badly shaken and didn’t attend school for a week or more.

This account is not only in an area surrounded by other accounts of Giant Hairy Ape like creatures, it is also a good example of how many of the reports received come in. When I made The Medway Video, I knew there would be witnesses out there who had never shared their story, or somebody who knew of a witness, so I was delighted when this Account shared by a Mother remembering back into her own school days struck came in and the account itself  struck a cord with me, not only was I taken back to my own encounter as a young girl, and the turmoil something happening like that brings, I also realised when placing the account on the map, this sighting fitted a key that turned a cog and I suddenly realised that maybe in that area of The Medway its the Megalith's and Standing Stones themselves that hold the Key to the numerous accounts that cross the Thames Valley and come in consistently through the decades.

Kits Coty or The Countless Stones, and also known as Little Kit's Coty House, are the name of the remains of a Neolithic chambered long barrow on Blue Bell Hill near Aylesford in the English county of Kent.  The Accounts seem to run in a line, with Kits Coty making the central place?  A route as old as time maybe? A landmark that has never changed? or a place sacred to the Forest Folk in a way it was once sacred to us too?  

I did do a little digging into the "school outing" and realised this was around the time many school children across the UK were doing "their bit" for the war, kids from schools across the UK picked hedgerow foods to supplement the rationing and for use as medicines and poultices.  This became one of the ways we kept the hospitals here and on the front line in supply of much needed medicines and supplies.  Without these children many of whom picked, planted and sorted through materials for anything that could be salvaged, repaired or recycled.

D. L. Hatswell

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