Hello Deborah Myself and my girlfriend have had some strange things happen to us whilst driving around Thetford forest between September and October 2018. I have written down the dates of each incident and what happened when we were out there. We had a series of strange events and things have happened that we have a hard time explaining. We have had stones that seem to be thrown at the car from the treeline, at one time hitting the roof and on another chipping the windscreen, we even had a metal bolt thrown at the car from the trees. we were hearing breaks in the forest, we saw eye shine on a number of visits at dusk. Some of this is confusing as to what is going on or who is doing it.
I would like to say all the accounts happened when we were in the in the car both in the day and at night. We stuck to two roads mainly one me and my partner call the old road and the other being the new road.
As usual I asked the gentleman in question if he would write out his account in his own words so I did not influence him in any way. He is not making any claims here, merely asking for information on these events, from anyone in the area who has experienced something similar or any one out there who can identify this behaviour. To see all of Thetford's sighting reports by visiting the Map of Accounts
Witness Account: September 1st 2018 - Old road - it was at the end of the summer holidays and we decided to go to Thetford at night for a drive and we took with us some torches to look for deer or animals etc with my two children for a bit of fun. Basically we went up and down a road off the main road a few times. On each pass we would slowly drive by and shine the torches out through the windows to look for deer or animals etc. Well at the end of the road is a turning to the right which we use to turn around and go back down the road. As we turned around I had my full beams on so they were really bright, and they lit up an area on the other side of the road and I noticed what looked like eye shine reflecting in the headlights, but as we were looking at the eyeshine another car was coming up the road towards us. Whatever was responsible for the eyeshine moved and it looked as though "they" had ducked down as the other car approached. So I dipped my beams and told my girlfriend what I had noticed and waited a short while for the car to pass us by. A soon as the car moved off I put the full beams on again and we could just make out what looked like the same eye shine, and my girlfriend could see it this time also. We got a bit freaked out and nervous plus we had the kids with us so we drove off. Now there is a sign near to where this eyeshine was so I was worried it could just be a reflection. But im pretty sure it was eye shine.
September 7th 2018 - Old road - Myself and my girlfriend went back again a week later as the first night intrigued me, plus we all wanted to go looking for deer again for the kids. We went up and down the road at night around the same time of night as the week before again shining torches into the trees. We get back to near the main road and we each saw two sets of deer eye shine in the forest, so I pulled up and we stopped to get a good look. Then my girlfriend shines her torch into the trees and sees another set of eyes shine back, this eyeshine was further back from the eyeshine I had just pointed out and also higher up? We were both discussing what we could see, I could only see one set of eyeshine which was set back and higher up but my girlfriend could see another set also, plus the two deer closer to us. I didn't see the second set and I think it was because of how we were seated in the car, I was in the front drivers seat and my girlfriend was behind me in the back. She sits with the youngest child and the oldest sits in the front with me. She did gasp out loud if thats the right word and we both were freaked out again. She also said that both sets of eyes moved from side to side. I started the car up and we left for home.
September 8th 2018 - Old road - We went back to Thetford and we went up and down all night slowly shining torches and not a lot happened. We were coming back to near the main road again near where the account from the night before happened and we pulled over to let a car behind us go past, and as we were sat there we heard a bang on the roof of the car which scared us to be honest. So we quickly drove off down the road and pulled into a layby and there was a metal bolt on the roof of the car. I dont know how to explain that. Its not as if someone would be waiting bolt in hand in the hopes that by chance a car would pull over on that very spot so they could throw the bolt at us?
September 9th 2018 - Old road - We decided to take the kids to the actual Thetford forest high lodge where the swings are etc. And on the way back I wanted to go to the road where things kept happening for a better look in the day time and see if I could debunk all this or get a better idea of what might have happend. I also wanted to check where we saw the high eye shine to see if there was maybe a reasonable explanation for the height of the eyeshine, a bit of a hill could be there for another deer to be standing on, or a higher piece of ground which when we looked at it in the daytime got dismissed quickly, it was pretty flat from what we could see. As we were driving along I slowed down and did a double whistle as we came near to that same area where the bolt was thrown and the eye shine was and within a second someone mimicked my whistle.
We couldn't believe it and we looked everywhere around to if we could see any people but we couldn't see anyone on that side where the whistle came from, like someone walking a dog or hiking etc. I drove up the road a bit and then turned back around and pulled over where all this happened. I got out of my car to look around the area and I couldn't see anything or anyone that could of whistled back. After about 10 mins or so I got back in the car, then we sat for a another couple of minutes to see if anything else would happen or a person would come walking out of the wood and explain all this but we didn't see anyone, we did however get more activity. As we were just sitting listening there was a loud bang on the roof of the car again so I quickly drove off for a few hundred yards and then pulled into the layby to look at the car, there was a large stone/rock on the roof of the car. I just drove out of there and went home. Even though im a bit shaken up when things happen here, I would like to know why this is happening and seeing if there is a simple explanation for what keeps happening, so I am going to keep going back.
September 14th 2018 - Old road - It was early evening time so still a little light, I was going up and down the road as I usually would and had a stone came out of the wood and hit the roof of the car. This stone rolled down the left front side panel and rolled off onto the floor. We were not parked up at the time, and we hadn't been parked up, this happened as we were driving. Which is pretty strange when you think about it, how would whatever had thrown the stone know we or any car would be along at that moment in a dark unused forest at night?
September either 18th - Old road - We went to Thetford at night time again, both myself and the girlfriend, we were shining the torches into the woodline as usual and half way down the road when my girlfriend shined the torch in the woods, the torch seemed to startle something, as at that moment there was a loud noise of twigs snapping and something moving away from our lights, which sounded quite loud with the twigs snapping and breaking and as we kept driving my girlfriend said whatever "it" was sounded as though "it" was running along side the car and keeping up with us from within the Forest. "It" was following along as we were driving, bearing in mind we were only doing like 10 - 15 mph so I was not driving at speed.
September 22nd 2018 - Old road - Today's visit was in the day time and nothing happened to us out of the ordinary, but as we were driving down in the lanes between the forest which are out of bounds, as you can't take your car down there, but you can park up and go for a walk, there was a policeman on a quad bike going up and down and he was moving in a way that kept my interest, as if he was looking for someone, he was moving up and down through the Forest and he was also checking up and down the road. There was also two unmarked or normal cars going up and down that road and seemed to be doing the same searching, it could be just coincidence we thought it was weird. I have felt uneasy at certain cars that have passed us out there as they seem to slow and stare into the car before driving off quickly. This has happend on a couple of occasions now.
September 25th 2018 - New road - On today's visit we decided as well as going to the old road we would check out a new road we had come across as it was set off the main road and it looked like a good area to have a look at. It was a night time visit again and we were shining the torches slowly driving up and down and listening, we heard a rustling sound and snaps and breaks off in the forest within the trees and again we had stones being thrown at the car. My girlfriend said it sounded again as though something was running along in the forest keeping up with us in the car and moving along just off to the side of us but "they" were hidden in amongst the trees.
September 28th 2018 - New road - We went up again to the new road in the dark and as we usually do we started shining the torches into the trees. Once again as we were driving along a stone was thrown at us, so I sped up and further on down the road around 20 - 30 meters if not a bit more another stone was thrown at us. Does that mean there were two stone throwers or just one that kept pace with the car?
September 30th 2018 - Old road - A night visit again and we were driving along doing our usual thing as it seemed to be working. We were shining torches from both sides of the car into the woods. We hadn't been there too long when I was half way down the road I whistled as I had last time, but this time I didn't get a whistle back but not long after my whistle another stone was thrown at us. So I moved off and we went back to the new road site. We started shining torches and there was a lot of rustling and movement in the forest off in the trees so you couldn't make anyone out in there, we came back towards the main road and I whistled as usual and once again a stone hit the windscreen. I had just about had enough at that point and drove us home, when we got home the stone that had been thrown was below the windscreen in the vent of the car and the windscreen had a little chip in it.
October 4th 2018 - New road - We went back in at night time again and we started shining torches and driving as we usually do. There was a lot of movement and rustling in the forest and stones were being thrown at the car. What was different about this time was some of the stones didn't always hit the car as you could hear some of them skim across the road.
October 5th 2018 - New road - It was night time again also this time my Mum was with us and we were going up and down the road again with torches. And as usual the stones were being thrown at us and there were the sounds of twigs breaking and rustling etc happening again. We then we headed towards the main road and as I was driving we heard some screams, I did look up and listen to animal noises and sounds like fox screams etc but we couldn't find one to match what we heard. There were two screams in all and we all heard them.
I was was starting to look forward to our visits to the forest, and for all what happened made us nervous we did start to enjoy going out there and seeing what else would happen but as of the second week of October everything seems to have stopped and nothing has happened on either of the roads. In between these accounts we have also seen and heard owls, We have smelt some weird smells on the old road in certain areas like a eggy weird smell. We have been going back on regular visits even trying different roads around that area to see if we get anything else but haven't had anything happen as of yet.
There are many things that may have happend to have changed the activity, but Im in a luck position and have been able to see some seasonal changes happening in the research and the sighting accounts that come in over the years and there does seem to be a pattern. In many of the smaller woods and forest from mid October to early March there seems to be a quiet time, a time when nothing changes and all inhabitants seems to have gone. Many factors could be in play and it is far too early for me to be stating this as fact. But have a think about your own research areas and how they ebb and flow over the seasons, Im sure there will activity again at Thetford, in fact id bet my best waterproofs on it. and when it does, you can be sure that I will update you all. Thetford Forest has a cluster of other accounts over a 30yr period, some call it the Thetford Baboon, others say the Thetford Upright Bear" but regardless of the name one thing never changes, no one can quite put a name to the creature that people see out there.
Have you had an experience like this at Thetford or anywhere in the UK. Have you experienced something strange that happened in the Thetford area or along the Ouse, if so please get in touch as I would love to hear your experience too.
Until Next Time, Deborah.
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